What's The Song Hank Moody & Kali write in Californication

While we're sad to see that Queens of Dogtown are no more, the TV series Californication still features some great tunes. In one of the most dramatic episodes of season 5 (episode 6: Love Song), Hank Moody (David Duchovny) finds himself writing the lyrics for Samurai Apocalypse's (RZA) new song. The singer, Kali, has writer's block and gives Hank a heart-breaking background story that parallels his own.
So What is The Song Kali performs in Californication?
To tell you the truth, this song hasn't been identified yet. As of the writing of this article, the soundtrack for Californication season 5 hasn't been released yet so this is mostly speculation. RZA, a.k.a Samurai Apocalypse, does play the piano in real life so it is possible that the tune is his own creation. As for Kali, portrayed by Meagan Good, we're unsure as to whether she sings or not in this episode but it's a safe bet to assume that she doesn't. Earlier in the season, in episode 2, Nikki Leonti fills in for the vocal so it's a possibility that Leonti also does this one. That song was named Strand Me Here.
What about the song in the credit?
During the end sequence with Karen and Hank, another song begins to play leading into the credits. This track is actually a real song by post-rockers Bye Horus and is named Strange Balloons Mount Toward Infinity. Bye Horus have confirmed via Twitter that it was used in Californication.
If you want to purchase the song, you can get it at the iTunes Store.