11 Most Overdone Karaoke Songs You Should Never Sing

To some, karaoke is a magical experience that fuses libations and the joy of music. For others, its a terrifying experience riddled with the anxiety of performing. Those folks in the latter category are just wusses, because as we all know, karaoke is super fun, at least most of the time.
About 70% of a night out at a karaoke bar can be described as super fun, the other 30% is reserved for all of those unoriginal people who sing the same damn songs all the time. That's not saying they themselves always choose those tunes, it's just that EVERYONE does, and the crowd does not want to hear it. Make sure you're not a buzzkill at karaoke and avoid these 11 overdone karaoke songs like the plague.
11Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
Another song on the list of overdone duets, Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell's "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" is the epitome of lame. Don't get me wrong, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" is a great song, it's just depreciated in value after thousands of middle-aged couples have performed the tune at karaoke throughout the years. Don't be a part of the problem and say no to "Ain't No Mountain High Enough."
10Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Dance tunes don't really translate all that well to karaoke, and while you can argue that Lady Gaga's Bad Romance isn't JUST a club song, you can't deny the inherent pop-ness to the track. And yet still people flock towards this single from the Gaga-canon. But far worse than Bad Romance's poor fit for a karoaoke setting is having to hear the performer belt out "Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!" throughout the song. Gaga can get away with basically sounding like an infant because she's that damn cool, you, on the other hand sound like an idiot.
9I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
People who have actual vocal training, or just happen to know how to singe very well, are welcome at karaoke, obviously, just don't be a ham about it. Having someone with real singing talent can actually boost the energy in the room, if it's not too obvious the person is trying to impress everyone. But then there are the people who THINK they can sing, and go on to choose some sort of power ballad that will showcase their exquisite vocal talent. I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston tends to be the most often chosen, especially if one of these thinks-they-can-sing singers has someone special in the crowd they want to impress. Instead of being a magically romantic moment fit for film, you have a crowd of people in sheer discomfort every time you try and hit a high note. Save everyone (and yourself) some trouble and just keep it low-key with your song choice.
8Toxic - Britney Spears
For some, karaoke isn't just about letting loose and having a good time singing one your favourite songs. No, to many folks, karaoke is a time to impress everyone else in the bar, ideally leading to you getting some out of it. You've seen it before with those people who can ACTUALLY sing and feel the need to let everyone know, and you've seen it with the folks who choose a "sexy" song in order to get the hunnies in the crowd excited. Britney Spears' Toxic is almost exclusively used for the latter. Sometimes the method can work, if you have a decent voice and actual sex appeal. More often than not, the rendition is sloppy and filled with a sense of "trying way too hard right now." Just remember everyone: karaoke is not about being hot.
7Hotel California - The Eagles
At first glance, Hotel California seems like it would be a solid karoake song. Everyone knows the tune pretty well, the vocals aren't too intense, you can seem both sexy and cool while singing, it all seems pretty good. What people tend to forget, is that the song has a friggen six minute run-time. And it's not as if the song really changes all that much from start to finish. By minute 3 the audience is already kind of board, then you need to awkwardly stand around during the guitar solo. Save yourself some embarrassment and just say no to Hotel California.
6Kiss From A Rose - Seal
Season 3 of Community gave viewers so many magical moments, and thanks to the many fans who also partake in karaoke, the Kiss From A Rose duet between the Dean and Jeff has a bitter-sweet connotation now. Was the duet with matching outfits utterly hilarious? Yes. Has it inspired a bunch of not-quite-as-funny (nor musically talented) people to perform the Seal ballad at karaoke? Unfortunately, very much yes. Unless you're prepared to show some abs or you actually have some solid pipes, it's best to leave this Seal song alone.